Monday, May 24, 2010

Cereal Leaf Beetle Update

During the CORN conference call this morning it was shared by educators across the state that thousands of acres are being sprayed for cereal leaf beetle(CLB) in a near frenzy. I guess a front page business section in the Columbus Dispatch got the pesticide sales folks all worked up to make some money. I have been in fields here that have CLB but NOT at economic threshold levels. Remember that the flag leaf is where we want to focus our attention.

If beetles are present, evaluate the percent of flag leaf damage and the number and size of the larvae feeding. Check the following link that I sent to many of you on the CORN newsletter group last week.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Agricultural Productivity and Global Food Security in the Long Run

The relative rates of growth in the supply and demand for food, feed and fiber have far-reaching economic and social consequences, most readily observed through changes in commodity prices. Over the past 50 years and longer, the supply of food commodities has grown faster than the demand, in spite of increasing population and rising per capita incomes. As a consequence, the real (deflated) prices of food commodities have trended down over many years, contributing significantly to the alleviation of hunger and poverty worldwide.

To read this entire article, please visit......Choices Magazine